Thursday, 4 February 2010

hello again,
so todayday at school was pretty awsome really !! i started the day with child development which was kinda strange as i was sitting there, in a gcse lesson playing with a thomas the tank engine train and reading kipper :S it was a laugh though!!
then i had double PE and that was the best lesson by far as we got to go in the dance studio and me, catherine and kelly made up the most fantabulous dance ever!! we deffo beet the chavs which were on the other side of the room who we were kinda owning lol !! yer then i had english that was kind of muahww cba to write an eassay on poems zzzzzzz but then best of all..... Science with the two most wierdest and wonderfullest girlies i know... drum rolll please .. erin and tegan haha yer science was definately fun with the beeps and a tennis ball yer i kind of have to be there moment!! ohh and then the walk home welll errmmm ... interesting as allways !!
so yer thats about me done for the day .. ohh one last thing parents evening to night im freaking out... oh well what ever happens happens !! life moto!!
yer keep following because dont forget my dream is to be a famous blooger
lots of love please follow
jess xxx

1 comment:

  1. hahah it takes a while before people follow :) and YESSS beep ... beep! xx
